About us

 About Us

The Expert

Jennifer has over 15 years of educational experience in general education, special education and advocacy. While providing support to parents around the country, Jennifer attends yearly professional development, team meetings and stays up-to-date on current special education policies and regulations.

Served as a teacher, school specialist and advocate. Jennifer received training from Columbia Teachers College and Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training, and is a proud member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates.

Doing the job right requires effectively collaborating with administrators, teachers, neuropsychologists, psychologists, speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, and board certified behavior analysts. Jennifer brings all of this to practice while working with families and schools to create a positive and effective plan.
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Where i started?

 Active in the field since 2004. The school system is not easy to navigate, but we know how. Our goal is to provide parents with the advice and support they need. We assist in explaining procedures, regulations and policies. Advocating for children is something that requires the highest level of standards and expectations, and we bring that to the table. This is why we rely on an evidence-based, data-driven approach when advocating.
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The Story

After my move to Washington, I attended an intensive advocacy training program through a non-profit. This program taught me to help struggling parents navigate the school system and alternative therapies, something I've been passionately doing since.

Today at Aliada I advocate so each student receives the support, services, accommodations and modifications necessary to thrive. I ask questions, evaluate the data and make sure there are specific clear and measurable goals. I empower parents and help them feel solace knowing that together, we make sure their child has an action plan and the tools needed to soar.
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